Dual welded torsion bars on its lower board arms to prevent backboard sway
The ultimate in rock-solid rigidity
Delivers true arena rebound performance
Pre-assembled Pro-Style Flex Rim
Anchor bolt mounting system allows for easy leveling.
Includes rebar steel rods to strengthen concrete.
If you move to a new home, your system can move with you.
The DC72E1 is the Mac Daddy. Unlike other adjustable goals (that rely on the board and board frame to absorb vertical forces during play), all vertical forces on the Goalrilla DC72E1 are transferred via a DIRECT CONNECTION to a 4″ steel beam (completely bypassing the backboard and its frame). The DC72E1’s patented rim design is directly anchored to the steel structure of the basketball hoop, allowing it to support over twice as much force as rims that are supported by the glass backboard. The DC72E1 features dual welded board arms (creating twice the strength of unsupported board arms). Both the upper & lower board arms are supported by, not one, but two reinforcing blocks of steel that significantly reduce goal vibration and increase structural integrity. Rugged steel is used throughout our basketball hoops, providing the uncompromising strength of a Goalrilla. To protect this steel, our hoops are covered in DuPont® Powder Coating for ultimate rust and UV protection, maintaining the performance and look of the basketball goal. It’s Goalrilla tough – beyond the strength needed for the most brutal play. Gotta have it.
Direct Connect Technology transfers the energy of a dunk to the steel rather than the glass for the ability to withstand up to one ton of pressure.
The BEST Warranty in the Basketball Hoop Industry!
Goalrilla's Lifetime Warranty warrents your Goalrilla Goal to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of ownership by the original retail purchaser.
Every Goalrilla System – PLAYS LIKE AN ARENA SYSTEM, WITHSTANDS THE ELEMENTS, AND CAN BE RELOCATED TO A NEW HOME. How does Goalrilla achieve this in each and every one of its basketball systems? We integrate the same advanced technology in every Goalrilla. No other system on the planet can match Goalrilla’s unique engineering. Below are the key features that every Goalrilla basketball unit has in common. At Goalrilla, from top to bottom, we never compromise when we’re building THE TOUGHEST BASKETBALL SYSTEMS ON THE PLANET.
Adjustable from 7.5′ to 10′
All Goalrilla Basketball Hoops are adjustable from 7′ 6″ to 10″. The crank is very easy to turn, even 4 year old little ones can turn it – makes mom really happy.
Lifetime Warranty
Goalrilla offers a Lifetime Warranty on all structural components of your Goalrilla Basketball Goal. It is guaranteed to be free of defects in material and workmanship for the duration of ownership by the original customer.
Direct Connect Technology
The DC Series is “BEST” in the Goalrilla Lineup. (Economy / Good / Better / Best)
Unlike other adjustable basketball goals which rely on the board and board frame to absorb vertical forces during play and causes stress to be applied to the glass, all vertical forces on the Goalrilla DC Series are transferred via a DIRECT CONNECTION to a 4″ steel beam – completely bypassing the backboard and its frame. It’s Goalrilla tough – beyond the strength needed for the most brutal play.
Look behind the glass and you will notice a “Clear View”, (not a H-frame) that holds the backboard in place.
Choose the DC 72 E1: 72″ x 42″ Backboard; 1/2″ thick tempered glass; 6″ x 8″ pole; 90 degree EZ Steel handle. Rated for High School, NCAA or NBA play.
Professional Installation
Playground King offers Delivery & Installation on all Goalrilla products within the state of Florida.
* Basketball installation is a 2 day install. On the first day, we dig the hole, pour the concrete, set the j-bolts in place and install the plate. We stop. After the concrete footer has dried, we come back and mount the basketball goal to the footer. You can play right away!
Professional Relocation
Playground King offers professional relocation of your basketball goal. Simply order a new Ground Anchor and we will install it at the new house, take the hoop down from the old house and re-install it at your new house.
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